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Avery Lynn Peterson

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Videographer ✖️ Journalist ✖️ Filmmaker

Avery Lynn Peterson is a video professional with a passion for social justice. She recently took the plunge into the world of politics, in her latest role as the Lead Videographer of Tom Steyer's presidential campaign. There, she helped spearhead Tom 2020’s narrative through visual storytelling while serving as lead shooter for the campaign since its launch. During this time, she led a team of traveling videographers, who captured the campaign's evolution, momentum, and supporters' stories on a daily basis. 

She has previously served as the lead videographer for a national issue-based political campaign, personal assistant to Bay Area video journalists, completed an independent studies course in which a Pulitzer Prize winning videographer served as her mentor, assisted in various roles on several local productions, and is currently directing a documentary at San Quentin State Prison.


Avery graduated from San Francisco State University, where she majored in multimedia journalism and minored in decision science. Her past achievements include placing first in the Hearst Multimedia Features Competition, having her first published video selected for the 2016 Bay Area Global Health Film Festival, recipient of the Otto J. Bos Memorial Scholarship, awarded Best Editor & Most Valuable Reporter for Golden Gate Xpress, and receiving Honorable Mention for Associated Collegiate Press 2017 College Reporter of the Year.

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Avery Lynn Peterson

San Francisco, CA 94103

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